The Orville New HorizonsSeason 3 Ep 2: Shadow Realms

Published: 11th July 2022.

My musings about The third season of The Orville ep 2: Shadow Realms.

Greetings everyone,

Today we dive into the intriguing exploration that is the second episode of the third season of Orville, “Shadow Realms”. The episode positions the Orville and its team en route to Krill for a diplomatic negotiation. They are joined by Admiral Christie, an influential figure keen on taking part in these deliberations.

The Krill authorities, surprisingly, permit the Orville to traverse within the well-known Krill territory. In their journey, the team brings up the topic of the Kalar expanse which causes disarray within the Krill, who deem the region to be occupied by demons.

This element of horror, however, is dismissed by Mercer and his crew as folklore superstition. This sets our adventurous crew right into the distress call scenario. An intriguing twist here is the past romantic affiliation between Admiral Christie and Claire Finn. Their past relationship is subtly highlighted in the episode, cleverly set up for future exploration.

Ignoring the Krill's warning, they steer the Orville into the Kalar expanse. The lack of any astral bodies in the expanse baffles them and a subsequent distress call from the realm rings alarm bells. Upon reaching the location, they come across a rather menacing ship or perhaps a space station, leaving them in a quandary.

Both Admiral Christie and Mercer, along with a few crew members, decide to board the ship to examine it. In the process, Christie encounters a peculiar spray that triggers a horrible metamorphosis within him. The crew had to rush back to the ship witnessing his terrifying physical degeneration.

In a desperate bid to reverse Christie's condition, the team returns to the ship they had encountered earlier and manages to collect samples. However, the havoc doesn’t end there. Christie, now transformed into a horrifying creature, manages to escape his confinement, shutting down the ship’s power in the process.

While the adults face the monstrosity head-on, Dr. Finn's kids, Marcus and Ty, embark on their journey to find their mother in the sick bay. Christie, fully altered, spreads the metamorphosis to the other crew members, eventually converting the Orville into a ship harbouring a host of monstrous creatures.

Kudos to Marcus and Ty who, despite the chaos and terror, survive their predicament and find their mother. The doctor comes up with a pathogen to counteract the mutation and the team manages to restore power to the ship. The wedding ring on Christie’s finger serves as a beacon, helping them locate him. They, then, attempt to reason with him, hoping the human part of him would respond. But they are faced with an unexpected twist. The human part does not exist anymore.

This takes a toll on Claire, who is compelled to resort to an ultimatum. She gives him the choice of leaving the ship or facing the lethal pathogen. Concurrently, the imminent arrival of another ship loaded with creatures like Christie adds to the tension.

The ultimatum forces Christie and the creatures to leave. However, their departure comes with the ominous warning of their return. The crew then flees the area in the shuttlecraft, leaving behind the expanse and its horror.

Overall, the episode excites, frightens, and amuses viewers in equal measure. The aspect of horror and the surprise devoid of human appeal make it a special watch. That said, some characters like Charlie Burke still appear to be ambiguous in their development and rapport with others.

To sum up, this episode of The Orville serves as a thrilling horror trip. It masterfully sets up intrigue for the forthcoming parts as well. The tension, suspense, and shock factors contribute to an enjoyable, fun-filled experience. The episode may not dive deep into existential questions, but its monster-of-the-week theme keeps the viewers on the edge of their seats throughout.

Till then, peace out and stay prepared for our next adventure!
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