BritForce by Andy Radbourne, A 64 Page Comic.

Hi my name is Andy (and honestly this is what I look like!!!) and I am in the process of revitalising and re-imagining BritForce, the UK's own superhero group both based and created in the UK!
I worked on the original BritForce comic over 10 years ago and was always unsatisfied with its unfair demise, knowing there was so much scope and untapped potential with the characters. So after all these years of grumbling into my beard and thinking what could have been, I thought bugger it, I am going to do something about this. So I set about redesigning the characters, fleshing them out and adding new twists and back-stories. I want to present a contemporary comic book which was also a homage to the days when I started reading comics…all those years ago…Oh so many years!!! So plenty of KaPows! and Thunks!
On this site you will find the new character designs plus some info on each but not too much after all I don't want to spoil anything, I have also included a few pages from completed BritForce issues to wet your appetites. So enjoy and keep them peeled, as BritForce will be coming to a store near you soon!
"Its so dark and sinister, I love it"
"To say I was blown away is an understatement. Great story, characters, art & atmosphere. The Moore/Davis vibe is definitely strong with you!"