The Brothers Sun Review - Martial Arts DINOSAURS

Published: 25th February 2024, by Andrew Radbourne.

My spoiler-free musings about Netflix show The Brothers Sun, Traids, martial arts and fighting dinosaurs.

Netflix poster for The Brothers Sun featuring Michelle Yeoh as Mama Sun Justin Chien as Charles Sun Sam Li as Bruce Sun and the rest of the cast with a martial arts action scene
Netflix poster for The Brothers Sun
Greetings everyone,

Spending my last weekend bingeing on the Netflix show "The Brothers Sun" was an adventure I thoroughly relished. The show is rich in intriguing storyline and captivating characters.

Diving deeper into the plotline, the central character, Charles Sun, is not your everyday lad-next-door. As the son of a prominent crime lord in Taipei, he has been rigorously trained to be a cold-blooded assassin. When an assassination attempt forces him to LA, Charles has to protect his mother and his younger brother, an innocent unaware of the dark family legacy he's been born into.

Despite the show's open appreciation, shall we say, of various Chinese movies, it artfully weaves in unexpected plot twists and turns. Although a few may seem predictable, the action still manages to keep you entertained with every bone-crushing punch, however, peppered with a tinge of cartoonish charm.

"The Brothers Sun" introduces us to the Triads' world full of mayhem and chaos but with a curious dash of wackiness and characters who command your endearment, despite their gangster status or monikers like "Blood Boots". These seemingly unlikely heroes draw you in, making you care about their fate.

Charles and his brother Bruce's relationship, marked by a life of dedication to the family and the brush with the unseen part of this dark world, is beautifully captured. The highlight of the show for me, besides the fantastic fight scenes, was how it portrayed the protagonists. The show is a delightful puzzle, a subtle piece of art making you root for the bad guys while turning the supposed heroes into villains.

As you delve into the show, you have to excercise substancial suspension of disbelief but its no effort becase it's a fun watch. The show offers an entertaining ride filled with humour, heartwarming moments and plenty of action.

Have you already checked out "The Brothers Sun"? Did it captivate you as much as it did me?

Thank you for reading. Until next time, keep exploring and keep bingeing!

Peace out.
I'm giving this a score of 8
Rad Dial Arrow
Noir Graphic Novel
Marked Graphic Novel by Andrew Radbourne